Happy Easter!
April is my favorite month of the year next to December. It always starts with the Semi-Annual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It is a time of renewal of the Spirit after the dark days of Winter. It is my time to be in the quiet of my home and listen to 10 hours of instruction, council, wisdom, knowledge, comfort and peace from the leaders of our Church. My heart is full of gratitude for the healing balm of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It helps me be a better servant, wife, mother, grandmother, sister, friend and neighbor.
President Russell M. Nelson gave us 5 actions to maintain Positive Spiritual Momentum:
1. Get on the Covenant Path and Stay There.
2. Discover the Joy of Daily Repentance.
3. Learn about God, and How He Works.
4, Seek and Expect Miracles.
5. End Conflict in your Personal Life.
We have our instructions for the next 6 months and I look forward to the journey. I had the opportunity of teaching the Adult Sunday School class on Easter Sunday. We talked about the Manna that was given to the Israelites as they were wandering in the desert. Exodus is very specific to them on the daily ritual of collecting only what they could eat and obtaining a double portion on the 6th day so as to rest from their labors on the Sabbath. We too, need the daily "Manna" in our lives as a remembrance of He who provides all for us, even Jesus Christ. We obtain that nourishment through Prayer and Scripture study daily. We then had a sharing of experiences of how the Atonement of Jesus Christ blesses us with peace and joy and how we can help others who may be struggling to find peace and joy. It was a beautiful experience for all.
"Yea, come unto Christ and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny the power of God.
And again, if ye by the grace of God are perfect in Christ, and deny not his power, then are ye sanctified in Christ by the grace of God, through the shedding of the blood of Christ, which is in the covenant of the Father unto the remission of your sins, that ye become holy, without spot." Moroni 10:32-33
Easter Bunny Visit |
Russ and I worked really hard all week clearing out all of the Winter debris and getting the back yard ready for Easter and Summer. We hauled 5 loads to the dump filled with leaves, vine, dead trees and accumulated things. We can now see the back fence and gazebo and more daylight. We found more rock walls and cleared off the rock path.
I love to decorate and surround myself with all things Spring. It is time to take down and look forward to July decorations. Time is going so fast - where did April go. We have had much needed snow and rain this month - the garden is calling - we will see what May brings.
Easter Dinner was a Feast! We were going to have a quiet dinner with just Emily and Ian. On Saturday afternoon Ian's family called and asked if they could come for dinner. We ended up having 11 adults and 6 kids. I just had to make a little more and we had a wonderful time. I prefer cooking for a crowd on special days than just for a few - the effort is about the same with the added benefit of good company.
We had Chicken Bundles with sweet potatoes, stuffing, holiday potatoes, creamed peas, salad, Lemon meringue and Chocolate Nutella cream pies.
It was unanimous that it was better than Thanksgiving and they want the same menu for Thanksgiving!
Russ, my sister Pam and I had an evening out to the Eccles Theatre in Salt Lake City. "Embrace the hope of Easter and experience the power of the last week of Christ's mortal ministry as told through the musical event, Lamb of God. It is a concert oratorio that has been compared to Handel's Messiah and Mozart's Requiem.
It was one of the most beautiful performances I have ever been to. The musical was magical and so moving. At the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ I felt like I was in Heaven because of the grandeur of the choir. I hope this becomes an Easter tradition for us.
I participated in a Rowing Challenge the week before Easter and pushed myself to do the final 5,000m. It felt good rowing again but boy did my body feel it! It was a 5 day event starting with 100m, 500m, 1000m, 2000m, and then 5,000m. I am a real novice but had a few personal bests. I just need to keep it up. Russ Rows about 4,000m per day.
SPRING also means BYU Softball and baseball. We went to a softball game and had a fun time. It was even nicer that they won!
SPRING SPORTS FOR THE GRANDKIDS keep us busy. Logan swims with Special Olympics. It is neat to watch those special athletes try so hard and accomplish so much.
Logan's Swim meet |
Logan on his Green Machine at School |
Preslee on the Soccer field |
Last March we contracted with a contractor to have a Walk Out put in for our home. It was a very slow process and in November the cement work was poured. The cold weather set in and the finishing work would need to wait until Spring. I started contacting the Contractor in February to get on his calendar to come and finish. The first pictures show what the walls looked like when they finished. Multi-colors and many imperfections in the cement pour. The Contractor said he was done. He finally agreed he would come back in the Spring and resurface the walls. We purchased all of the supplies for him. He said he would come around March 15. We waited and waited. We finally decided to watch some How-to Videos and do it ourselves.

Russ mixed the cement plaster and I applied it to the walls. It took my about 6 hours but we got it done. I could hardly move that night. We are really pleased with how it turned out. We just have to add the Handrail and it will be DONE! Just need to add the flowers and some landscaping - always more to do as the seasons come and go.
April 27 was the 5 year anniversary of my mothers passing. Oh how I love the setting at the cemetery at the base of the beautiful Wasatch Mountains. Russ, my sister Pam and I spent a few hours cleaning up the area and placing some fun "flowers" and things. We enjoyed just being together and reminiscing about our parents and grandparents. Pam is nine years older than me and it is always fun to hear her stories from the "early" years of the family. We laughed and we cried and then rejoiced at how grateful we are to be a part of this family with the
Knowledge that FAMILIES ARE FOREVER and we will be reunited together again.
So grateful for this month of April and the celebration of Easter that brings us the gift of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and His Resurrection that makes it all possible for us to have this knowledge and hope. "It is not about the bunny - it is about The Lamb".
I know that my Redeemer Lives, What comfort that sweet sentence gives.
Wishing each of you good health, warmer days, memorable experiences with family and friends and new adventures along the way.
With Much Love