Time is going so fast and we are having to face reality that we only have 12 weeks left on the mission so we have a list of all the things we want to do and see before we leave. There are museums, cafe's, churches, etc. that we are hoping to visit. Vienna is a city centered in tourism. There are peak seasons, but it is busy with tourists all year long. January is the slow time and many shops and restaurants close down. It has always amazed us how the shops just close to go on holiday for weeks at a time. We tried to go to two different restaurants this week to cross them off our list and they were both closed. February will be fasching (carnival) and then April begins the summer tourist season. The University has there semester break the whole month of February.
We have an English Conversation Class every Thursday and we had 31 attend this week. It was amazing to have so many. They are from all over the world. They have asked if we can offer it two times a week so that they can learn better. It looks like we will be adding Saturday to the schedule. It is so inspiring to hear their stories and what many of them have endured and their desire to have a better life. Cultural barriers have come down and they accept each other as human beings and they have started to make new friendships.
Prophets throughout the generations have prophesied that Jesus Christ will return again to the earth. Isaiah recorded, "And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together" (Isaiah 40:5) These prophecies help Jesus Christ's disciples to prepare themselves and others for this singular event and to have hope, knowing that Heavenly Father foresees the future and is preparing the world for the glorious return of His Son. We have already been able to see the change in people as they learn a new language and culture. As they progress, they then want more in life than what they currently know and seek for more knowledge. They go from believing in God or some higher being to wanting to know more about Jesus Christ. The scriptures tell us to "prepare ye, prepare ye, prepare yourselves for the great day of the Lord. Awake and arise and go forth to meet the Bridegroom; behold and lo, the Bridegroom cometh..." We do not teach religion to these students, but as they come and meet with our missionary instructors, they are so impressed with them and the light that shines within that they ask questions. We have had many opportunities to share why we are here and how we can help them learn about Jesus Christ. We are all children of a Heavenly Father who loves us and wants us to return to His Heavenly Home.
"The Church is designed to nourish
the imperfect,
the struggling,
and the exhausted.
It is filled with people
who desire with
all their heart to
keep the commandments,
even if they haven't
mastered them yet."
Dieter F. Uchtdorf
There is a really good article this past week in LDS Living I would encourage you to read: https://www.ldsliving.com/How-We-Misinterpret-Black-and-Curse-in-the-Scriptures-Insights-from-a-Black-Convert/s/88562
In the two years we have been gone, technology is passing us by. We have found that the devises we brought with us - they were old when we came - are no longer supported and harder to use. We were hoping they would last until we returned home, but with my phone being stolen on New Year's Eve and my IPad 4 so old it could not update, it was time to look at new options. We spent Thursday afternoon in the Apple store. That is always an adventure. They have a very effective system and is very customer driven. Are you seeing the picture - I left with a new IPad 7 instead of a refurbished one that I had picked out. We decided with what we want to accomplish we needed to stay up with technology. Wow, a whole new world opened up and we are enjoying the better graphics and information available, especially on the LDS Library.
It is an interesting time in history. I am grateful to life in this day and time. They were well protected, but I can't imagine what it would have been like in the heat to wear all of that.
1500's armor |
horse armor |
I am always fascinated with the horses. In these displays, the horses are very large and the people are actually quite small. They were shorter than most people today. Each uniform was custom made to fit the individual.
Entrance to Armory |
weapons |
Also part of the museum was a music collection.
There were four rooms just with the different pianos from the very small table top to the beautiful grand. This picture shows the very long original grands with the giraffe version that fit in the smaller homes and had the strings going up instead of taking so much space on the floor.
"Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was a master of instrumentation. As hardly any other composer of the Classical period in Vienna, he understood how to incorporate the tonal and technical qualities of the various musical instruments into his compositions. His numerous travels allowed him to become acquainted with diverse musical styles.
Portrait of 13 year old Beethoven |
Trombone on far left |
"The writing along the garland of this trombone indicates the date of manufacturing and the maker of the instrument. According to this information, the instrument on display is the second-oldest trombone in the world. It was originally a bass trombone. It is not known when it was modified. Jorg Neuschel is the youngest member of a family of instrument makers from the sourthern German region. 1557.
Friday night the YSA had an activity at the Wien Icefest. It is a huge array of ice skating rinks that fills the whole park in front of the Rathaus. It is the largest skating I have ever seen. We enjoyed watching them skate and eating a Viennese Hot Dog.
We had 9 YSA attend with only 1 young man. He was either very lucky or very lonely. He had a good time and we are so glad he came. The other Young Adults really missed out.
I taught the last class for this semester on Wednesday night. It has been a learning experience for me and has given me a lot to think about.
I am so grateful to Mick Smith, Bob Van Drimmelen, Jared Jepson and Mark Richins for wonderful examples as Master Teachers. I learned so much from each one of them. One of the most important things I learned was to expect the students to come prepared to learn. When the learner and the teacher each do their part, the Spirit becomes the teacher and great learning takes place. It is easier to just come to a class and sit back and expect the teacher to deliver a lecture but very little learning really takes place. When you come prepared to learn and then take notes on how the material makes you feel or what you have learned it becomes personal to you and you receive what you needed to learn that day. I have watched so many lives change as they participate in this kind of learning.
It has taken me about 12 weeks of teaching to see some results. It was very difficult the first 10 weeks. They were not used to having to prepare or participate in class in such a personal way. I would get very little responses and I was not sure if I was making a difference in their learning. The past two weeks have made it all worth it. This past week one of the students came into the Institute early and was just beaming. He said, I went home and read all about the First Vision and the letter from Pres. Nelson about General Conference that you asked us to read. He said he listened to the Podcasts that I also had told them about. He was so ready for class and he participated in the discussion with great comments. He stayed in class the whole time - sometimes he wanders in and out. After class he stayed and visited with us. He shared what he was experiencing and the personal witness he had received to make some changes in his life. It was nice to have Russ embrace him and share his joy. Another student said, "this is exactly what I needed to hear tonight."
If only 4 students from the class complete the class with the understanding that they are beloved spirit children of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ is their advocate with the Father and makes it possible for us to return home and through faith in Jesus Christ and acceptance of His gospel, we become begotten sons and daughters unto God and that they are loved and accepted in class - then it has been more than worth it. I am grateful to have been a small part in their learning process. It is interesting to see that no matter where you live or where you are from, we all need Jesus Christ in our lives to understand the full purpose of why we are here on earth and where we are going after death. His atonement covers for all.
We are grateful to our Children and grandchildren for all that they are doing in their lives. There have been new homes purchased, job changes, school changes, new church callings, new cars, broken cars, stolen cars, personal trials and challenges, cuts, scrapes and sprains, new friends, new hair colors, learning how to ride a bike and many other daily happenings and challenges - we are so grateful for the growth from these experiences and the many blessings that have come as our prayers have been answered in their behalf. We know the Lord is watching over our family while we are away and we are so grateful. Sometimes the answer to the prayer is just having the strength to make it through another day - that is a blessing.
Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said, "It is of great significance to me, that I may at any moment and in any circumstance approach through prayer the throne of grace, that my Heavenly Father will hear my petition, that my Advocate, him who did no sin, whose blood was shed, will plead my cause." D&C 45:3-5
I am so grateful for prayer and that my Heavenly Father knows each one of us personally and blesses us with just what we need at that time.
I was asked by a professional photographer to bake some cookies using peanut butter and a Protein powder for a photo shoot. His team had tried to make the recipe and they did not turn out so he asked if I would just make some good American Chocolate chip cookies - but they needed to have peanut butter in them. I asked for his recipe - he said OK, but don't use it because it will not turn out. So I used my own Protein Powder drink (Melalueca) and I made his recipe. They turned out - at least the picture looks nice and they actually taste wonderful. They are a gluten free, healthy protein filled cookie.
Viel Liebe,
The Grimmett's
Michael |
Camilla |
Wien Icefest at the Rathaus |
We had 9 YSA attend with only 1 young man. He was either very lucky or very lonely. He had a good time and we are so glad he came. The other Young Adults really missed out.
I taught the last class for this semester on Wednesday night. It has been a learning experience for me and has given me a lot to think about.
I am so grateful to Mick Smith, Bob Van Drimmelen, Jared Jepson and Mark Richins for wonderful examples as Master Teachers. I learned so much from each one of them. One of the most important things I learned was to expect the students to come prepared to learn. When the learner and the teacher each do their part, the Spirit becomes the teacher and great learning takes place. It is easier to just come to a class and sit back and expect the teacher to deliver a lecture but very little learning really takes place. When you come prepared to learn and then take notes on how the material makes you feel or what you have learned it becomes personal to you and you receive what you needed to learn that day. I have watched so many lives change as they participate in this kind of learning.
It has taken me about 12 weeks of teaching to see some results. It was very difficult the first 10 weeks. They were not used to having to prepare or participate in class in such a personal way. I would get very little responses and I was not sure if I was making a difference in their learning. The past two weeks have made it all worth it. This past week one of the students came into the Institute early and was just beaming. He said, I went home and read all about the First Vision and the letter from Pres. Nelson about General Conference that you asked us to read. He said he listened to the Podcasts that I also had told them about. He was so ready for class and he participated in the discussion with great comments. He stayed in class the whole time - sometimes he wanders in and out. After class he stayed and visited with us. He shared what he was experiencing and the personal witness he had received to make some changes in his life. It was nice to have Russ embrace him and share his joy. Another student said, "this is exactly what I needed to hear tonight."
If only 4 students from the class complete the class with the understanding that they are beloved spirit children of Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ is their advocate with the Father and makes it possible for us to return home and through faith in Jesus Christ and acceptance of His gospel, we become begotten sons and daughters unto God and that they are loved and accepted in class - then it has been more than worth it. I am grateful to have been a small part in their learning process. It is interesting to see that no matter where you live or where you are from, we all need Jesus Christ in our lives to understand the full purpose of why we are here on earth and where we are going after death. His atonement covers for all.
We are grateful to our Children and grandchildren for all that they are doing in their lives. There have been new homes purchased, job changes, school changes, new church callings, new cars, broken cars, stolen cars, personal trials and challenges, cuts, scrapes and sprains, new friends, new hair colors, learning how to ride a bike and many other daily happenings and challenges - we are so grateful for the growth from these experiences and the many blessings that have come as our prayers have been answered in their behalf. We know the Lord is watching over our family while we are away and we are so grateful. Sometimes the answer to the prayer is just having the strength to make it through another day - that is a blessing.
Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles said, "It is of great significance to me, that I may at any moment and in any circumstance approach through prayer the throne of grace, that my Heavenly Father will hear my petition, that my Advocate, him who did no sin, whose blood was shed, will plead my cause." D&C 45:3-5
I am so grateful for prayer and that my Heavenly Father knows each one of us personally and blesses us with just what we need at that time.
I was asked by a professional photographer to bake some cookies using peanut butter and a Protein powder for a photo shoot. His team had tried to make the recipe and they did not turn out so he asked if I would just make some good American Chocolate chip cookies - but they needed to have peanut butter in them. I asked for his recipe - he said OK, but don't use it because it will not turn out. So I used my own Protein Powder drink (Melalueca) and I made his recipe. They turned out - at least the picture looks nice and they actually taste wonderful. They are a gluten free, healthy protein filled cookie.
Viel Liebe,
The Grimmett's