Sunday Dinner Guests
We had this wonderful family from Switzerland and the Elders for dinner. The mother, Andrea was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ about 6 months ago by Elder Fishburn. They wanted to come and visit him one last time before he returns home from his mission. He made the arrangements with her the week before and I was happy to have them to our home for dinner. It was a busy week with Zone Conference on Saturday, but I prepared the meat and other things on Friday so it would be ready on Sunday. We had even gone to IKEA on Thursday and purchased additional chairs so that we would have enough. On Sunday morning at 8:00 I received a text that the husband was very embarrassed that his wife had accepted an invitation to come to dinner and that they would not be coming. I told Elder Grimmett that he needed to let them know that it was too late to back out and that the dinner was all prepared and we were expecting them. Well, with a little dialogue back and forth with the missionaries they said they would come. It was going to be a crazy day to begin with but we were looking forward to it. We were just walking out the door to go to Lahr to visit the Branch of the Church there. We would hurry home and have about 20 minutes to get everything on the table and last minute preparations before they were to arrive for dinner. I had told the Elders I needed a little time after church for these final preparations on Saturday night when we dropped them off from Zone Conference. They just kind of think the food shows up magically with not much effort. So, we are just exiting off of the autobahn and I get a call from them and they say, "are you home yet?" I told them we were 2 minutes according to GPS from home. He said, we are at the church and will come, you will need to let us in to your parking area. I thought it would take them some time to get loaded in the car - Wrong! The whole way home I had planned what needed to be done and how we would use the 20 minutes we thought we had. When we pulled into our parking and stopped for the gate, they pulled up right behind us. You can imagine what I thought. OK, I took a breath and said, don't panic just have them help. I am learning to be more flexible and to roll with the flow. I was more nervous that they really did not want to be here and what was it going to be like. I hurried upstairs while Russ showed them where to park and tried to stall. They did not even know we were missionaries. Everything went wonderful. It only took about 3 minutes and the father, Jung, expressing his feelings of embarrassment and me putting some of them to work, that the barriers were broken and we had a wonderful day. Jung is a professional Sushi chef at a Sushi Bar in Switzerland. He is from Japan and he has lived in Switzerland for about 20 years. So - no pressure for me, right? I decided on a more Texas theme with Burrito Bowls with Pulled Pork, Lime Cilantro Rice, Beans and all the toppings of cheese, sour cream, salsa, chips and avocados, lettuce and even homemade Rio Ranch Dressing. I had some taco soup left over from Saturday so I had some of that. It was a nice feast and we ended with a fruit plate and chocolates. Amazing how food can temper feelings and good conversation. I told them that we are missionaries called to cook and entertain people in our home. We were happy to have them with us and this is what we enjoy doing. They have a 19 year old son who is autistic and just won the Special Olympic Taekwondo championship for Switzerland and will be competing at Nationals in Turkey next month. If he wins he will go to the Olympics in Tokyo Japan in July. He has an amazing story. His mother, Andrea is really excited to go with him for 6 days to Turkey. We were able to share and relate to stories of dealing with autism and I think that made them feel more comfortable in our home. They also have 3 wonderful daughters ages 16, 14 and 12. They had planned to eat and then go to the Zoo for the rest of the day. They ended up staying the whole day with us and did not leave until late afternoon. We made friends and look forward to what the future brings for them.
Monday is District Meeting and this week it was a ZOOM call. So glad we did not have to travel. The Elders came to our home. We had a really good training and meeting with the other missionaries. I had planned to just serve hot chocolate and toast with honey butter. We ended up starting with that and then I heated up the left overs from Sunday and served them lunch. Good Day!

Tuesday P-Day. We took the Elders and went to the Bern Switzerland Temple. We had a crazy drive to get there. The missionaries were 15 min. late coming out to the car (later told us they had to get their exercise in and had not allowed enough time) We get on the autobahn and the GPS tells us there is a 39 min. delay take alternate route. Then it took us on another detour that said road closed ahead - the road it took us to was closed, Ugh! We finally made it but had to wait an hour for the next session to start. All things happen for a purpose and it turned out great. We were going to meet about 10 other missionaries and go together but we missed them. We had planned to go to lunch and by the time we finished the little shops close by had all closed for their afternoon break. They close from 2:00 - 5:30 here. My lucky day - IKEA to the rescue. We had seen it on the way into town just off the highway and so we decided that would be the best place to go. It was good and not too expensive as we were in Switzerland. We had a much better drive home and a wonderful day all in all.
It was freezing cold and windy when we got home but we decided to bundle up and go for a walk to the store to pick up something for dinner and get some exercise after sitting for so long all day. Invigorating.
Wednesday started with a teaching appointment. The Elder's asked if they could teach a lesson at our home. We were glad to have them and it was a good experience. I mostly just listened but was able to share a few thoughts. I was able to read in German as we each took a turn and it was good to participate. Nick is in his 50's and has been searching for a new church for a long time. He was abused as a young man at his previous church and is still in therapy. It has had a big impact on his life and he is trying to find peace. He has a hard time trusting and having faith in anything. I hope we can help him.
My turn to cook for Institute. We still had soup from Saturday so I was able to use it for dinner. I made bread, granola bars and peanut butter cookies. The YSA loved the taco soup and salad. They seem to really like Tex-Mex food. They also ate a lot of bread and honey butter. That is a new flavor for them as well.

Thursday was lunch with Katrina. It is always an adventure and she loves having us. We had the Elders with us today and had a wonderful lunch. I think today was her best lunch yet. It is always stuffed peppers, potatoes, rice, salad and soup. I am either getting used to it or she really did good today. After last time we visited and the smoke alarm going off, she said no more crepes. They were actually the best part. We were supposed to help her move furniture around today so I took cleaning supplies and was ready to work. She said she was not ready and needs us to come back next week. Some how one of the spray tops came off of the cleaning bottle in my sack and created a big puddle on her floor - oh well, it gave me a reason to clean her floor. She keeps a tidy home but is not able to get down and really clean so I was hoping to help her today. We will go back next week. I think that was her way of getting us to come back sooner.

We left her home and parted ways with the Elders so that we could go to our appointment with Amira. We love the walk through the park to her apartment. We usually see ducks but today there were these beautiful swans. A beautiful winter day. We have really enjoyed our lessons from Come Follow Me with Amira. We studied Matthew 3, Mark 1 and Luke 3 today. It was the continuation of the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist. We talked about our own baptisms and it was a nice discussion. The final thought from these chapters was the knowledge that the Bible teaches that the Godhead are three separate beings. At the Baptism of Jesus Christ, God the Father spoke from heaven, and the Holy Ghost (represented by a dove) descended on the Savior as He was being baptized. I am grateful for that additional insight as we studied this today.

We stopped at the store to pick up a few things and they had buckets of fresh tulips. I love February and tulips. They were so inexpensive and I bought some to brighten our apartment. They are so beautiful and will last several days. I am allergic to most flowers, but tulips are OK.
We got a phone call from the Mission Office today that they would like us to look for a new apartment for the Elders. They currently live on the 5th floor of a very old building and it is not in good condition. We had recommended that they have them relocate. They looked at the situation and are ready for us to move forward. Unfortunately it is very difficult to find affordable and available places in Freiburg. It will be almost triple the cost to what they are paying now, but it is needed. So, it will keep us busy for the next while until we find something - and then the move - that will be a real adventure! They do not have an elevator and it is a LOT of stairs to carry furniture and belongings down. The story begins -
Friday was a much needed day at home catching up on sleep, cleaning, finances and laundry. Sounds like P-Day this week. I have always done our taxes and this year I am a little nervous about being here and getting everything right. I spent the day gathering all of the documents and putting together all of our expenses. Just a little stressful!
We come to the end of another week. This week has been a roller coaster of emotion. I am so grateful we were able to start the week in the Temple where I could go and put the outside world aside and just feel the love of Jesus Christ in instruction, pondering and prayer. It was a great comfort to me the rest of the week. Wednesday my Dad took a turn for the worse and is sick again. The Doctors have recommended hospice and so the paperwork was drawn up and ready for it to be signed. It was determined my Dad was not mentally stable enough to sign for himself. My Brother has the Power of Attorney for his medical treatment and he will not sign the forms - has been a difficult few days. I have watched how other people have handled these situations over the years and hoped I would never have to deal with a family that was not unified in these decisions. I continue to learn how we each see things in different ways - for good or bad. It is hard to let our own feelings get in the way instead of looking at what is best for the person who needs our help. I pray that this will be able to be taken care of in the coming days.

We decided to spend the evening taking a drive to the Mountains to see the snow and lights at night. We thought we would see some night skiing, but everything was closed. It was absolutely beautiful. I wish the photo was better to capture the scene. We were high up on a mountain looking down into this little village on the hill. It got really foggy as we got almost to the top and it was hard to see so we turned around and came back home. It was a nice way to end the day. We had found an American Taco Shop earlier in the day and thought we would try it out. It was full and by reservation only. We will go back sometime. We decided to just go to our favorite Italian Place and get Pizza. We had a really nice time. You sit really close to the people next to you and we had a man sitting next to us who was eating by himself. I finally had the courage to talk to him. He spoke some English and between the three of us we had a great conversation. He is a math teacher at the private school and teaches 16-18 year olds. They were having an event at the school tonight so he was staying late and came over for dinner and was going back to the school event. He said he only knew of the Catholic and Protestant Church and did not know of any others. He said he knew about Christians but he was not interested in Religion. We were not trying to talk to him about religion, but had just told him we were missionaries for our Church. He asked us several questions about what we are doing. He heard us talk and thought we were from England. He told us of some great hiking places to go that are not very far from Freiburg. We gave him our card and thanked him for the wonderful conversation. As we were getting off of the tram a man looked at me and asked if I was an American. I think he saw my name badge and must have known about missionaries. I acknowledged that I was American and wished him a good evening and the door closed. We love these little encounters and had to wonder what he saw that made him talk to us. Great way to end the day. Earlier in the day we had gone out to do some visiting. We were waiting for the tram and a car was stopped at the light. A little girl in the back seat of the car starting waving to me. I waved back. She just kept looking at me. A little boy in another car saw me waving and he started waving. When the car with the little girl started to leaved I again waved to her. She waved and then turned around in her car seat and waved to me until the car was out of view. The little boy across the street waved again. There was a look in the little girls eyes that seemed like she was drawn to me. Russ and I looked at each other and wondered, what was she seeing or thinking. If nothing else, she brightened my day. So, I have no doubt that The Lord is watching over us. These little happenings today were very simple, but had a profound effect upon me. It is hard to express the emotion of the moments.
It is now Sunday and time for me to close. Until next week,
Viel Liebe,
The Grimmett's